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Moreno & Young Dental Blog

June 30, 2018

3 Tips When Shopping for Dental Implants

Dentist showing patient dental implant modelIn the past, patients who needed to replace one or more missing teeth had to rely on treatments that only restored the visible portions of teeth. Today, dental implants allow dentists to replace the roots of missing teeth for a more natural looking, feeling, and functioning solution. Because an implant supported replacement tooth functions more like your natural smile, many dentists are now recommending these treatments as the ideal. If you’re considering dental implants, you may think that any dentist can offer these services. Actually, finding the right dentist for the job will likely save you time, money, and discomfort throughout the process. In this post, we’ll discuss some of the things you should consider when looking for a dental implant supported tooth replacement specialist to offer affordable treatment options.

April 5, 2018

Your Dentist in Bellingham Explains Why Dental Crowns Fail

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 10:05 pm

A woman covering her mouth.

Dental crowns are an ideal solution for restoring teeth damaged by tooth decay, but it’s important to acknowledge that they still require regular care. Whether it’s from poor oral hygiene, incorrect placement, or unexpected stress, dental crowns can come off and expose your decayed tooth underneath. For these reasons, dental crowns can fail, according to your dentist in Bellingham. Luckily, preventing them from failing is simple, as long as you commit to a strict oral care routine.


March 6, 2018

How Do I Care for My Teeth? Your Dentist in Bellingham Has Answers!

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 1:02 pm

woman with mouth open dental examAs the spring of the year approaches, you have challenged yourself to step up your oral care efforts. Therefore, you want to know what you can do to improve your dental hygiene between visits to your local professional for preventive dentistry. Thankfully, your dentist in Bellingham has some simple tips that’ll help you get on the right track!


October 30, 2017

Let’s Compare Dentures and Dental Implants in Bellingham

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 6:27 pm

happy couple embracingChoice is a good thing, right? Yes — but sometimes, choice can be overwhelming. If you are missing (or on the brink of losing) a significant number of teeth, you’re probably starting to realize you’ve got a lot of options when it comes to tooth replacement. Dentures are one option, but are they the best? Dental implants in Bellingham seem to offer a number of benefits, but is the hype real? Keep reading to get our take on your tooth replacement options. Spoiler alert: dental implants win.


June 12, 2013

How Dental Implants Mimic the Natural Design of Teeth

When a patient who’s missing one or more teeth comes to their dentist for restorative help, what they want is a solution that will get them what they once had. Unfortunately, with most restorative solutions, that’s not possible. But it is with dental implants.


May 29, 2013

Comfortable Amenities, Including TVs

When you think of going to the dentist, what comes to mind? At Moreno Dental, we want you to think of a home away from home. That’s why we offer so many great patient comforts, like overhead TVs in our operatories and Wi-Fi.


April 9, 2013

Dental Fillings to Restore Decayed Teeth

Tooth decay is one of the most common oral health conditions patients can face. The condition, which you know better known as cavities, results from the interaction between bacteria in the mouth and things like sugar and other types of carbs.


March 26, 2013

Restorative Care for Bellingham and Beyond

Even patients with the most rigorous brushing and flossing routines sometimes need restorative care. Through restorative care, dentists like Dr. Moreno and Dr. Young can help patients treat cavities, repair or replace damaged teeth, and even fill in the gaps in an otherwise beautiful smile.


February 25, 2013

Popular Cosmetic Dentistry Services from Moreno Dental

In our last post, we talked about creating goals for your smile this year. One goal that springs to mind instantly is creating a more beautiful smile. At Moreno Dental we offer some of the most popular cosmetic dentistry services to help you do exactly that.


February 11, 2013

What Are Your Smile Goals for 2013?

By now, most people have made their New Year’s resolutions. Often, resolutions have to do with creating a better budget or making better food choices. These are good ones, but what about setting some goals for your smile?

The good thing about setting goals for your smile is that you don’t have to set major ones. Even a very small goal, like bringing a toothbrush to work, can help you improve your smile.


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