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October 7, 2018

Damaged Teeth? Restore Them with Dental Crowns in Bellingham

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 10:08 pm

tooth colored porcelain dental crownHave you suffered from bad decay that has left a tooth severely damaged? Or, do you have a problem with grinding your teeth (bruxism) that has left you with a worn crown? If the latter can’t perform one of its primary tasks – to protect the rest of the tooth, then it puts your dental health in jeopardy. Read on to learn why dental crowns in Bellingham are so important.

What is a Crown Restoration?

A crown restoration is a tooth-colored, porcelain fixture that is custom-designed to offer both functional and aesthetic benefits. Your crown is the part of the tooth that is visible above the gumline, and it’s covered by a hard, outer surface called the enamel that acts as a protector of the rest of the tooth.

When the enamel and crown are compromised, food particles and bacteria can freely access the inner area where the nerves, canals and roots are found.

What Can Happen if a Damaged Crown isn’t Restored?

If your crown is damaged and you fail to address it, here are some of the oral maladies that can arise:

  • You are more vulnerable to developing gum disease.
  • The inner tooth can become infected, requiring a root canal to restore it.
  • If decay lingers too long, the only option may be to extract the tooth.
  • The infected tooth can show discoloration, and it can become a major blemish to your smile line.

How the Crown Restoration Procedure Works

The first step to having your damaged crown restored is to have any necessary work done to restore the health of the tooth. Thus, if there is advanced decay, it will need to be removed first.

Your dentist will then take bite impressions that will be used to develop a mold for the creation of your new crown. The information is sent to an in-network lab that will fabricate the permanent fixture, and once it’s ready, you’ll return to have it placed.

The Advantages of a Crown Restoration

Having your crown restored will not only allow you to use your digit as you normally would, but the tooth-colored restoration will also leave you feeling more confident about your smile.

As with any form of dental restoration, your sense of urgency plays a huge role in its success. To prevent the need for more complex treatment, it’s important to have the cause of the premature crown wear corrected and the tooth restored.

To get the expert care you need, don’t hesitate to reach out to your dentist in Bellingham today.

About the Author

Dr. Ronald Moreno earned his dental degree from Georgetown University School of Dentistry. He has since gone on to provide dental care in Bellingham for over 20 years. Dr. Moreno strives for perfection in every aspect of the care he provides his patients at Moreno and Young Dental, and he can be reached for more information crown restorations through his website.