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August 2, 2024

Make Room! How Much Tooth Enamel Needs to Be Removed for Veneers?

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 4:49 pm
illustration of a veneer

Do you like to follow how beautiful celebrities achieve their stunning looks? When it comes to their smiles, many share the same secret: they have veneers. It may surprise you to learn that this treatment is accessible to basically anyone, not just Hollywood stars! Before you jump straight into the treatment, however, you should know one important caveat about veneers. They involve removing a little bit of tooth enamel, which is a permanent alteration to your teeth. But don’t let that deter you from your own perfect smile!

In this post, you’ll learn why this must happen, how much is removed, and how the process of getting veneers actually works.

Why Does Enamel Need to Be Removed?

In order to hide dental imperfections like cosmetic cracks, chips, or discoloration, a tiny layer of porcelain is attached to the front surface of your teeth, presenting a natural-looking, perfect smile. However, if a sliver of your enamel isn’t taken away, the veneers would noticeably stick out and become obvious, defeating the purpose of using lifelike porcelain. Removing a small portion of the enamel makes space for this improvement to appear realistic.

How Much Tooth Enamel Is Taken Off for Veneers?

If you’re worried about making a permanent change to your teeth, you can rest assured that the required amount to be removed is minimal. Typically, it’s just 0.5 mm—just enough to give your veneers room to line up flush with the rest of your smile.

What Is the Process for Getting Veneers?

Understanding more about the entire process can put any remaining anxiety or hesitation to rest.

Before touching your teeth, your dentist will give you a local anesthetic and numb the area to prevent any discomfort during the removal process. Once your teeth have been prepared, the dentist will then take impressions of your upper and lower arches and send the data to their lab. Before you leave the office, however, they will attach temporary veneers onto your teeth, which can help you get accustomed to the feel of veneers and also protect your teeth until your custom ones arrive. When the final products are done, you will return to your dentist’s office to have the veneers bonded into place.

Although you shouldn’t blindly follow what celebrities do, you shouldn’t let a little change keep you from achieving the smile of your dreams. Now that you have more information about veneers, you know what you’ll be getting into, and you and your dentist can decide together whether this treatment is the right choice for your smile.

About the Practice

Morena and Young Dental doesn’t believe in one-size-fits-all treatment. In fact, our team listens and gets to know each one’s needs, and every patient receives a custom treatment plan, whether it consists of teeth whitening, veneers, implants, or a combination of services. To schedule a consultation with us and see if veneers are right for you, contact our Bellingham office online or call 360-676-0642.