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December 12, 2023

3 Dental Cosmetic Treatments That Aren’t Just for Celebrities

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_moreno @ 4:21 pm
Woman with blond hair smiling and pointing to her teeth

People tend to view cosmetic dentistry as a luxury only available to the rich and famous. After all, everyone from movie stars to your favorite social media influencers boasts perfectly straight, sparkling white smiles. When you see incredibly wealthy people showing off their beautiful teeth, it’s easy to believe that attaining an ideal grin is beyond your reach.

Fortunately, advancements in dental materials and technology have made cosmetic services more accessible to people from all walks of life. Keep reading to learn 3 ways your dentist can enhance your appearance by improving your pearly whites!

Treatment #1: Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a fantastic solution to mask imperfections in your smile. These thin, ceramic shells are attached to the front of your teeth to hide flaws like chips, discoloration, small gaps, and slight misalignments. It’s true that they were first invented for an actor to improve his looks for a film shoot and then gained popularity among actors and actresses. This could be why so many people still assume they’re unaffordable today. However, contemporary veneers are made from materials that are much more cost-effective, permanently bonded, and more resilient than ever.

Treatment #2: Metal-Free Restorations

Historically, if you had a cavity that needed a filling or if you required a dental crown, it would have been made of metal. Mixtures of mercury with other metals like silver and gold were used because they could effectively bond with teeth and were strong enough to provide protection. Mercury is known to be toxic, and on top of that, patients often felt self-conscious about metal in their mouths. Dentists eventually developed alternative solutions like ceramic and composite resin. Today, restorations can safely last decades with the right care and are customized to match your teeth for a seamless smile.

Treatment #3: Teeth Whitening

It’s easy to assume that you’ll spend an arm and a leg to achieve the bright, white teeth you see on celebrities, but thankfully, lighting them is a relatively simple endeavor. While there are plenty of commercially available options that are affordable, store-bought whitening toothpaste and strips are notorious for causing tooth sensitivity. Many dentists offer take-home kits, instead, using professional-grade ingredients and custom-fitted trays. That way you won’t experience the same discomfort and can get effective results from the convenience of your own home.

While in the past these options may only have been accessible to those with money to spare, today your dentist can work with you to explain the costs and provide options within your budget. There are plenty of ways to upgrade your smile without breaking the bank!

About the Practice

At Moreno & Young Dental, you and the entire family benefit from 3 dental experts who provide a full array of oral healthcare services. With state-of-the-art technology in a comfortable environment, you can relax knowing you’re getting the most up-to-date treatments available. They want you to feel confident in your smile and are happy to walk you through possible options to meet your dental goals. If you’d like a consultation, you’re welcome to request an appointment on the website or by calling (360) 676-0642.